Denver Fitness COncierge offers an array of different training options to best fit your schedule and Goals

Personal Training Services

  • In-Person

    *Castle Rock, Denver Metro Area, Parker Colorado Only

  • Virtual

    *Available Nation Wide

  • Hybrid

    Available for In-person and virtual sessions

Denver Fitness Concierge system to success is through its assessment and individualized exercise prescription process.

At DFC we believe that you can not know where you are going unless you know where you are starting. AT DFC we highlight the starting point to ensure that our exercise is safe and most effective for your goals. DFC has created their own ‘Health Fitness Profile’, to assess how the individuals current physical activity is affecting the clients current and long term health. The results from ‘Healthy Fitness Profile’ are the framework to create an individualized prescribed program to help you hit your goals more efficiently.

Health Fitness Profile:

  • Our health history evaluation dives deep into all aspects of the individual past and current health; this includes family health history, past injuries and surgeries, and past and current personal health.

    • By diving into family health history, DFC will be able to help the individual navigate any potentially hereditary traits or conditions and how to use exercise as medicine.

    • Surgery and injury history gives a window into pain in the body or compensations the individual experiences while performing working or daily activities.

    • Current health history allows the individual to identify the modifiable health condition(s) they may be experiencing and allows them to focus on putting together a structured plan to manage or treat any condition(s).

  • Body composition give us a clear breakdown of what our body is currently composted of giving us an inside look at how the body burns fuel and allows us to observe physiological changes throughout your program. Measurements from the body composition assessment:

    • Skeletal Muscle Mass

    • Body Fat Mass

    • Body Fat Percentage

    • Basal Metabolic Rate

  • The functional movement screen evaluates how efficiently the body is currently moving through the primary motions (squat, lunge, step, push/pull). This evaluation will highlight any asymmetries in the movement patterns that may be causing pain or could lead to potential injury. From the results from the movement screen, individuals will receive personalized corrective exercises that focus on any mobility or activation inconsistencies. This will not only build strength but also reduce the potential for exercise-induced injury.

  • The heart and lungs are arguably the most two important organs in the body. By performing a cardiovascular fitness assessment we gain knowledge into how efficiently the heart and lungs are working together, and if our current cardiovascular health is contributing or hindering our current health status. A cardiovascular test will narrow in on the most efficient training heart rates for the individual to reach their health and wellness goals.

  • The muscular system is the largest organ in the body and has a huge influence on our daily activities. By testing the muscular system, we can find out how our muscles are affecting our basal metabolic rate. This also allows us to have a clear picture of what weights the individual will need to lift to reach their health and wellness goals more efficiently.